20.10.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (I): The Dawn of a New Century - The End of Romanticism

Due to the great demand, there is again a new edition of the "Course in New Music". Under the motto "Departure into a New Century - The End of Romanticism", works by Liszt, Wagner, Mahler, Schoenberg, Berg and Debussy, among others, will be heard. As always explained on the grand piano and with historical sound and film examples.

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

Admission: free (donations requested)

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14.10.2023 (Saturday)

08:00 pm

Suzanna and Gerhard A. Schiewe in duet

On 14.10.20:00 presents the well-known chanson singer Suzanna together with the composer and accordionist Gerhard Schiewe their new tango program.

The traditional tango together with its siblings, such as the milongas and the tango valse, meet the tango nuevo of the composer and bandeonist Astor Piazolla in this varied program. An exciting and explosive mixture.

Admission free, donations allowed!

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11.06.2023 (Sunday)

04:00 pm

Ohrpheo Summer Party

Join us to enjoy musical contributions from our students, faculty, and Jan Gerdes' students! For refreshment, there will be coffee and cake. From 6 p.m. Open Stage.

Admission free

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09.06.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XVI): New Music and New Media - Outlook

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XVI): New music and new media - Outlooks

In the early nineties, newer and newer media appear on the scene out of nowhere. Digital conceptualism is born. In the last part of Course in New Music, we explore the question of how new audio-visual programs keep changing the work of composers. The specter of AI also makes the rounds.

Free admission - donations welcome!

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13.05.2023 (Saturday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XIV) - New Music in the GDR - The Dawn of the Nineties

Kurs auf Neue Musik: New Music in the GDR - The Dawn of the Nineties

In the penultimate part of Course on New Music we deal with contemporary music from the GDR. We also deal with the question of how the situation of composers changed after the fall of the Wall. What remains of a country that no longer exists? With live music contributions and a panel discussion.

Guests: Christfried Schmidt, Ellen Hünigen, Ralf Hoyer, Helmut Zapf
Concept and moderation: Andreas F. Staffel

Free admission - donations welcome!

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20.04.2023 (Thursday)

08:00 pm

Hideki Kozakura, Japan - Piano and Live Electronics

Hideki Kozakura - Piano and Live Electronics - with the support of the STIM FORWAR FUND

Reine Liebe (2015/2019) for piano solo
Improvisation for live electronics and four-channel installation

Admission: 15 € | 10 €

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17.03.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XIII) - The Eighties - New Complexity versus New Simplicity

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

While composers such as Ferneyhough and Finissey are writing increasingly sophisticated and complicated scores, especially in Great Britain, we are, on the other hand, experiencing a movement of New Simplicity in Germany, which does not shy away from the use of tonality. - Welcome to postmodernism!

With musical examples by Brian Ferneyhough, Michael Finissey, Wolfgang Rihm, Manfred Trojahn, Detlef Müller-Siemens and others.

As always with explanations at the grand piano.

Free admission - donations welcome!

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04.03.2023 (Saturday)

08:00 pm

Stephan Krawczyk - "Zwar leben wir jetzt"

Stephan Krawczyk - "Zwar leben wir jetzt" | Concert at the music studio Ohrpheo Berlin on 4.3.2023

Stephan Krawczyk - songs, texts, soliloquies

Songs and literature are the means of expression of this artist, who has been on stage for four decades and has already experienced a lot that goes beyond the everyday. Stylistically diverse, chansonesque, even South American pulsating, with his not ingratiating, but all the more insistently gentle voice, Krawczyk fans out his song world reflectively and poetically, very individual, sympathetically peculiar.

Admission: 15 € | 10 €

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24.02.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XII) - "Call it spectral music" - About the magic of the single tone and the dissolution of time

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XII) - About the magic of the single tone and the dissolution of time

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

In the twelfth part of the "Course in New Music" we go to Paris in the seventies and experience the birth of spectral music, a completely new musical style that was to influence many composers.

With works by Gerard Grisey, Tristan Murail, Horatiu Radulescu and Claude Vivier. As always explained on the grand piano and with historical music examples.

Admission free - donations requested!

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21.01.2023 (Saturday)

08:00 pm

Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2 // John Kameel Farah, piano

Concert - Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2 // John Kameel Farah, piano

John Kameel Farah plays both books of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier/Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, connecting keys with improvisations and electronic episodes, weaving the series into a contrapuntal soundscape. The 8 p.m. concert features Farah Book 2.

Performance dates:

Sat. Jan. 21, 3:00 p.m. - The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1.
Sat. Jan. 21, 8 p.m. - The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2

Due to limited seated (studio holds c.30 seats) we ask that you contact us in advance to let us know you're coming. We ask for a donation of €15-20 at the door, but no one will be turned away because of paying less.

Please write to info@ohrpheo.de to let us know you're coming.

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03:00 pm

Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 // John Kameel Farah, piano

Concert - Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1 // John Kameel Farah, piano

John Kameel Farah plays both books of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier/Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, connecting keys with improvisations and electronic episodes, weaving the series into a contrapuntal soundscape. The 3 p.m. concert features Farah Book 1.

Performance dates:

Sat. Jan. 21, 3 p.m. - The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1.
Sat. Jan. 21, 8 p.m. - The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2

Due to limited seated (studio holds c.30 seats) we ask that you contact us in advance to let us know you're coming. We ask for a donation of €15-20 at the door, but no one will be turned away because of paying less.

Please write to info@ohrpheo.de to let us know you're coming.

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20.01.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (XI) - The late sixties: "Music is nolens volens political"

Course to New Music (X) - The Late Sixties - Music is Political

Make up date!

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

Luigi Nono: Intolleranza (1960)
Hans Werner Henze: Sinfonia N. 6 (1969)
Luciano Berio: Sinfonietta (Oh King, to the Memory of Martin Luther King) (1969)
Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Requiem for a Young Poet (1969)

On the basis of these important works from the 1960s, we will explore the question of how the political changes and worldwide student protests affected the composers' works. And what relevance the topic still has today.

As always, explained on the grand piano and with historical sound and film examples.

Admission free, donations allowed!

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09.12.2022 (Friday)

08:00 pm

„Songs and Improvisations“ Jan Gerdes - piano solo

Jan Gerdes - Songs and Improvisations

Jan Gerdes | Piano

The Berlin pianist Jan Gerdes, renowned interpreter of both classical-romantic and contemporary piano recitals, has for many years, at first in secret but in recent years increasingly coming into the public eye, been musically engaged as a border crosser between classical music, new music, electronics and performance with the interface of contemporary piano music and the sounds of electronic club culture.

Admission free/donations requested

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04.12.2022 (Sunday)
03.12.2022 (Saturday)

08:00 pm

Vil lieber zeit uff diser Erde - Ellen Hünigen, clavichord

Ellen Hünigen - Clavichord concert - 03.12.2022

Vil lieber zeit uff diser Erde - Music of the 15th and 16th centuries played on the clavichord

Ellen Hünigen,bound clavichord (built after Parisian model by Andreas Hermert, Berlin)

Admission free/donations requested

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Musikstudio Ohrpheo

Music school and venue

Opening hours

Mo – Fr: 11 am – 8 pm

Contact & Consulting

Phone: (030) 250 48 799
E-Mail: info@ohrpheo.de

Here you can find us

Jablonskistr. 15
10405 Berlin

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