07.07.2024 (Sunday)

03:00 pm

Ohrpheo Summer Party

Join us to enjoy musical contributions from our students and faculty! For refreshment, there will be coffee and cake. From 6 p.m. Open Stage.

Admission free

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19.04.2024 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (VII): Music in the shadow of war - the forties

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

We will experience how differently the events of the Second World War shaped the work of the composers of the time. The program includes works such as Messiaen's "Quatuor pour la fin du temps" (which was composed in a prisoner of war camp in Görlitz), a funeral march from the sonata "27 April 1945" by Karl Amadeus Hartmann (dedicated to the Dachau "protective custody prisoners"), the melodrama "A Survivor from Warsaw" by Arnold Schoenberg and the "2nd Symphony" by the twenty-two-year-old Hans Werner Henze.

As always, explained at the grand piano and with historical sound and film recordings.

Admission free/donations permitted!

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12.04.2024 (Friday)

08:00 pm

Dr. Michael Schenk: Music and Noise in Film - Sounds between Soundscape and Composition

A lecture (with film sequences)
Speaker: Dr. Michael Schenk

When experiencing a film intensively - whether in the cinema, on the Internet or on TV - sound often plays a significant role in how we perceive the entire event from narrative, visual and acoustic levels. Music - whether specially composed or included in the visuals - or integrated sounds and languages form a special network for our ears.

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22.03.2024 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (VI): The thirties

Kurs auf Neue Musik (VI) - The Thirties (Mathis der Maler and others)

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

About the violin concerto Dem Angedenken eines Engels (1935) by Alban Berg, Mathis der Maler by Paul Hindemith (1935) and Béla Bartók's Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta (1936).

The 1930s were overshadowed by the rise of dictatorships and the premonition of impending catastrophes. We will talk about three exemplary works by three different composers that were written during this time.

As always, explained at the piano and with historical sound and film recordings.

Admission free/donations permitted!

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15.03.2024 (Friday)

Christoph Peters: "Krähen im Park" - Reading with music

Krähen mit Park - Christoph Peters - Reading with music (Collage: Jens Hoppe, photos used: Petra Faltermaier/Pixabay, Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay)

Christoph Peters reads from his novel "Krähen im Park"
Andreas F. Staffel and students of the Ohrpheo composition class: piano and electronics

Admission free/donations permitted!

One day, an entire city: the razor-sharp portrait of a society in upheaval - the new great novel by Christoph Peters.

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23.02.2024 (Friday)

Kurs auf Neue Musik (V): About the history of Soviet music

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

We experience the fascination of the first symphony of the only nineteen year old Dmitri Shostakovich and deal with some outstanding composers of the so-called silver age like Krein, Mossolov, Lourie and others.

As always, on the grand piano and explained with numerous historical examples.

Reservations at 030-25048799 or info@ohrpheo.de are recommended.

Admission free/donations requested

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09.02.2024 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Take Five

Take Five - Favorite songs by Jan Gerdes and Torsten Lund and more  (Collage: Jens Hoppe, photos: Eduardo Romero/Pexels (trcorda), paulbr75/Pixabay (single record)))

In this popular series, friends of Ohrpheo present their favorite pieces of music at regular intervals. The songs and instrumental compositions are accompanied by witty stories and questions from the audience are answered.

In the first edition in 2024, Jan Gerdes and Torsten Lund, who have known each other since their school days, present their personal favorites!

Admission free/donations welcome

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01.02.2024 (Thursday)

08:00 pm

Susanne Stock - Mein mit Schnee gefüllter Mund - Schubert's Winterreise for accordion solo

Schubert's Winterreise for accordion solo with new texts by Ruvi Simmons

Susanne Stock, accordion

A world-famous piece of music that has been heard thousands of times. No singing, just a single accordion. Not the well-known words of Wilhelm Müller, but new modern interpretations. Not sung, but recited.

Admission free/donations welcome

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26.01.2024 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (IV): Kurs auf Neue Musik (IV): Stories of soldiers and other characters

Kurs auf Neue Musik - Stories of soldiers and other characters

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

The First World War was a major turning point and had a major impact on the work of composers at the time. Examples of this are the music theater work 'The Soldier's Tale' (1917) by Igor Stravinsky and the opera Wozzek (1925) by Alban Berg, in each of which a soldier is the main character.

Both works are the focus of our evening. In addition to excerpts played on the piano, we will also hear historical recordings. We will also experience the fascination of the so-called Golden Twenties in jazz-oriented piano works by Schulhoff and Hindemith.

Due to the limited number of seats, reservations are recommended at 030-25048799 or info@ohrpheo.de.

Admission free/donations welcome

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15.12.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf neue Musik (III): Stravinsky and the Ballets Russes

Kurs auf Neue Musik: Stravinsky and the Ballets Russes

About: "Le sacre du Printemps" and the "Firebird"

The world premiere of Stravinsky's epochal "Sacre" is considered one of the biggest scandals in the still young history of New Music. Together we will explore the genesis of the work and its impact.

As always, explained on the grand piano and with historical recordings.

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

Admission: free (donations allowed)

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03.12.2023 (Sunday)

Christmas party and performance by the music classes

from 4 p.m.: Prelude of the individual classes
from 5 p.m.: Open Stage

Free admission

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24.11.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf neue Musik (II): I feel air from another planet

Kurs auf Neue Musik (II): I feel air from another planet (Arnold Schönberg)

From the "Second String Quartet" to "Pierrot Lunaire" - About the composer Arnold Schoenberg

We accompany the universal composer and pioneer of New Music on a fascinating journey through time. Starting with the romantic beginnings of "Transfigured Night" to the groundbreaking compositions of the early atonal phase.

As always explained on the grand piano, with historical records and film clips!

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

Admission: free (donations permitted)

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20.10.2023 (Friday)

07:30 pm

Kurs auf Neue Musik (I): The Dawn of a New Century - The End of Romanticism

Due to the great demand, there is again a new edition of the "Course in New Music". Under the motto "Departure into a New Century - The End of Romanticism", works by Liszt, Wagner, Mahler, Schoenberg, Berg and Debussy, among others, will be heard. As always explained on the grand piano and with historical sound and film examples.

Lecturer: Andreas F. Staffel

Admission: free (donations requested)

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14.10.2023 (Saturday)

08:00 pm

Suzanna and Gerhard A. Schiewe in duet

On 14.10.20:00 presents the well-known chanson singer Suzanna together with the composer and accordionist Gerhard Schiewe their new tango program.

The traditional tango together with its siblings, such as the milongas and the tango valse, meet the tango nuevo of the composer and bandeonist Astor Piazolla in this varied program. An exciting and explosive mixture.

Admission free, donations allowed!

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11.06.2023 (Sunday)

04:00 pm

Ohrpheo Summer Party

Join us to enjoy musical contributions from our students, faculty, and Jan Gerdes' students! For refreshment, there will be coffee and cake. From 6 p.m. Open Stage.

Admission free

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Musikstudio Ohrpheo

Music school and venue

Opening hours

Mo – Fr: 11 am – 8 pm

Contact & Consulting

Phone: (030) 250 48 799
E-Mail: info@ohrpheo.de

Here you can find us

Jablonskistr. 15
10405 Berlin

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